Steer boosts communications by implementing an Omnia-based intranet

Steer, a global consulting firm specializing in cities, infrastructure, and transport, improves its internal communication, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing by implementing a new Omnia-based intranet. The new solution will help Steer strengthen employee engagement and organizational cohesion across its 26 global offices. In addition, it provides improved accessibility to processes, policies, and other information with improved findability, as well as all the tools and resources employees need to be productive.

“After just a few months since its initial launch, our new cloud- and Omnia-based intranet has improved internal communication and collaboration across our global operations. In contrast to the previous platform, critical work tools, such as documents, processes, policies, and other essential information, are now available through a single entry point. Omnia’s improved information and navigation structure has simplified the process for users to locate information and resources. The new global communications platform aids us in bringing our many offices and colleagues across the world closer, aiming to foster a stronger and more united company”, says Mili Shukla, Marketing Manager, Internal Comms, at Steer.

A single source of everything

Steer is a global business consultancy that combines commercial, economic, design, technical, and planning expertise to help its clients meet complex challenges in areas such as transportation, infrastructure, energy, real estate, and urban development. Headquartered in London, Steer employs roughly 600 specialists in 26 offices across the world.

Steer’s previous intranet was a custom-made SharePoint 2013-based on-premises solution. The intranet was outdated and lacked functionality the company needed to provide better support for their employees. Steer also wanted to bring the intranet into the Cloud to improve accessibility, mobility, and group-wide communication and collaboration.

“We required a modern cloud-based intranet platform, with easy administration and the ability to effortlessly create, publish and update content. It was crucial for the platform to seamlessly integrate with Microsoft 365 and other business-critical tools, as we wanted to create a single source of everything that our employees need daily such as documents, processes, and policies. Furthermore, it had to support efficient and inclusive communication and collaboration across organizational and geographic borders”, Mili emphasizes.

During the project team's market research to find a suitable platform, they encountered Clearbox Consulting, known for conducting comprehensive reviews of intranet platforms and digital workplace products. This introduction led them to discover the Omnia intranet-in-a-box platform, recognized with the ClearBox Intranet Choice Award for six consecutive years.

“We shortlisted four to five different vendors. Our preference was Omnia, as we not only liked its capabilities and out-of-the-box features but also its user-friendliness. The team impressed us, and we liked their well-thought-out project model. We were assured that Omnia’s out-of-the-box functionality would address the majority of our requirements without the need for additional coding, solidifying our confidence that it was the right solution”, concludes Mili.r

Agile approach gives time to think

The development and implementation of the new intranet started in April 2023 and the first version was launched in July, after three months of intensive work. Most of the time was spent designing the information and navigation structure, and reviewing, deleting, and tidying up old as well as creating new content.

“We understood early on in the project that we wouldn't be able to launch in July with everything on our specification list included. Consequently, we opted for a phased rollout of the intranet, introducing new functionality with each release. This approach to the launch plan has proven successful. By observing the users’ behavior and navigation we have been able to identify which features and content our teams find most useful”, Mili highlights.

According to Mili, the agile approach has saved them a lot of (unnecessary) work and has resulted in a more user-oriented solution. The intranet's popularity and usage have increased after each launch, which is a testament to the method's success.

Sharing knowledge and wins with everyone

Features that Mili and the project team have fine-tuned and added to the intranet include an improved search function and a new Document Management System, built entirely on Omnia. They also plan to introduce an Omnia-based Quality Management System and Communities section, where employees can discuss and share ideas, knowledge and experiences.

“Implementing a proper Document and Quality Management System on the intranet will improve the findability and reliability of our processes, policies and other business-critical documents. Previously, we could have multiple versions of the same document spread out in different locations, which made version management difficult. Presently, there is only one version of each file, stored centrally and with revision and ownership control. This will help us keep all our documents, policies and processes constantly fresh and compliant”, notes Mili and continues:

“This transformation extends to all content on the intranet. Our new intranet is dynamic and easy to use, helping us produce new content daily. By using Omnia's targeting functionality, we can also adapt and direct content to the right audiences, making the information more relevant and interesting to them.”


Everything you need to know about intranets.