Making collaboration teams more effective
Your workforce will be thrilled about how Omnia can make collaboration teams more effective and help end-users getting things done.
Discover how provisioning templates, project models, Teams governance, search and other Omnia features can support more effective collaboration within your organization.

Create collaboration teams based on customized templates
With Omnia, you can configure and manage templates for provisioning collaboration teams and orchestrating Microsoft 365 resources and services such as Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, Planner, Yammer, and more.
It's a piece of cake to customize templates regarding features, properties, and layouts to align with user and organizational needs.
Easy creation process with step-by-step wizard
Omnia supports end-users in easy creation of new collaboration teams based on the customized templates as above. In this way, users can create new Teams that will be customized to align with business rules, processes, and information policies.
Now, you won't have to bother with the ever-present question on when to use what Microsoft 365 tool for what purpose.

Make it easy to align work with your project models
Omnia comes with the possibility to visualize, describe, and publish project models. To each model, you will be able to connect related information as steering and supporting documents, document templates, mandatory tasks, and commonly used tools.
You will also be able to tie collaboration teams to a project model, making it easy to work according to best practice.
Display progress to keep project stakeholders on the same page
With Omnia, you can edit status of project phases and activities and use the project model for visualizing progress.
This is the easy way to letting members, steering committee, and other stakeholders know how your projects are doing.

More features for effective collaboration
There is a lot more to Omnia when it comes to features making collaboration teams more effective. Don't hesitate to contact us to get the full picture of what Omnia can do for your organization.
✓ Teamwork metrics
In the customizable dashboard, you can monitor metrics regarding teams to discover new teams, pending approval, total number of teams, and active/inactive teams.
✓ Drive productivity in Projects
With Omnia, you have the possibility to instantiate the Project Model to a ‘Project Team’ including visualizing progress in project model phases, create deliveries based on document templates, plan project tasks to Planner board, and more.
✓ Improved Teams integration
Improved Microsoft 365/Teams integration such as customizable Teams templates with definitions for layouts, channels, and tabs (can be based on built-in Teams templates), set up Planner board, possibility to clone a Team, and more.
✓ Project Portfolio
You can set up a Project Center showing all Projects with properties such as sponsor, type, status, project manager, start/end date etc. and the possibility to read more about the project on a Project Information page.
✓ Personalized navigation
With Omnia, end-users will have access to personalized navigation to followed teams and recently visited teams.
✓ Teamwork governance
Now, it will be possible to set governance policies for collaboration teams and implement this in the creation process. These policies can cover rules regarding title, description, sensitivity labels, set default admin, number of team owners and members, and more. This also cover project related aspects such as project model, project status, start/end date, and more.
✓ Manage templates and documents
Omnia holds features and concepts to manage document templates and make these available in collaboration teams. The product also cover functionality to manage important business or project documents aligned with defined life cycles.
✓ Personalized notifications
Omnia includes a panel which will deliver personalized notifications on events in collaboration teams, such as tasks, team news, and new or updated documents.
✓ Search Collaboration
Set up a customized search experience with Omnia, including a search scope presenting only collaboration teams. Also, another common application is to have a Document Center presenting delivery or important documents from projects.
✓ Naming policies
Implement naming policies for collaboration teams as part of your governance model.
Do you want to learn more?
Check out the content below to learn more about how to make collaboration more effective.
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